World Book Day: 5th March
When you can’t look up from the latest novel, even to look at the stunning Greenbank sea vista… this is the sign of a good read indeed!
A book to keep you interested, enthralled, immersed. The storyline and characters welcoming you into their world of wonders, there is no better form of escapism.
Here’s our guide to the best books to accompany your break away at The Greenbank Hotel this World Book Day:
Breakfast Books: Spending an indulgent night next to the water certainly works up an appetite, and perfectly cooked breakfast classics are best served with a classic novel of the same name…
Our read: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Truman Capote.
Coffee Classics: A view over the water is best served with a hot Latte and Pain au Chocolat. Curl up in our lounge and enjoy a good novel, switching off from the world.
Our read: La Comedie Humaine, Honoré de Balzac. For his love of the drink: “Coffee is your ally and writing ceases to be a struggle.”
Lunch Literature: Boat-caught Pollack, Mackerel and Seabass, pan seared Pigeon, wild mushroom ragout or a simple, sumptuous cheeseboard. Which one to choose? Why not indulge in all of them during your stay with us? We have the perfect literature to accompany…
Our read: Babette’s Feast, Isak Dinesen.
Shaken or Stirred Stories: Whether it’s a fine wine or delicious cocktail, evening drinks mean relaxation, laughter and love. The ultimate indulgence and perhaps one to devour over dessert…
Our read: Chocolat, Joanne Harris.
Page-turners are what we love most at The Greenbank, and those who stay with us have the pleasure of sharing the same scenery as Kenneth Grahame during his creation of The Wind in the Willows.
Book your stay at The Greenbank today; you’re on to a bestseller.